Science Figured Out

  • PhD
  • Postdoc

Scientists thrive in their trusted environment, whether it's their lab, their office space or the stage at a scientific conference. Science Figured Out takes young researchers out of their comfort zones and places them in front of a camera with a clear assignment: share your passion for research with the general public! Tell us about your research in a clear and convincing 3-minute pitch.

Science Figured Out aims to help Ph.D. and postdoc researchers to share their knowledge and insights with the general public. Not via an academic lecture, but told as a compelling and understandable story for non-experts.

Via an online video course and a workshop on presentation techniques by The Floor is Yours, we teach them how to explain the core of their research in a clear and convincing 2 to 3-minute pitch.

With the necessary individual feedback, we then prepare the researchers to face our camera and record their pitch in a professional video. The pitches are placed on our video platform and promoted to the press and the public.

Over 250 videos

Since the start of Science Figured Out in 2018, we have coached over 300 researchers and we've made more than 250 videos. On our video platform, visitors can learn, in just 3 minutes, how duckweed might be the food of the future, find out whether Neandertals could breakdance, and discover how we can learn from birds to present better. The platform thus offers an intriguing overview of the research carried out at our institutions.

How to participate

Participation in Science Figured Out is organised via the doctoral schools or the communication departments of the participating institutions. In 2021 these are KU Leuven, Ghent University, University of Antwerp, VUB, Hasselt University, Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, VITO, Imec and FWO.

Would you like to know more about possible participation through your institution? Drop us an e-mail!