Flemish Thesis Bank

The Flemish Thesis Bank is a freely accessible online database. It contains all -mainly Dutch- articles and full-text theses of participating bachelors and masters in the Flemish Thesis Prize. With over 6,000 qualitative theses, it offers a rich source of information.

The Flemish Thesis Bank is an open database: everyone can view the full theses for free, without a password or access code. But there's more. The fact that the works must be accessible to everyone also means that everyone must understand exactly what it is about - without professional jargon or other barriers.

That is why we ask all participants of the Flemish Thesis Prize to summarize their research themselves in a clearly readable and fluent article. In addition to the hundreds of thesis files every year, we also publish a popularizing text of each work that can be understood by everyone.

The result? A rich source of information: for employers looking for a strong and talented candidate, for the casual visitor looking for quality and complete information, and for students looking for valuable resources for their own research.

But above all, the Flemish Thesis Bank is a useful tool for journalists, who find inspiration and expertise in this way. We are happy to match them with the authors of newsworthy works.

The thing we like the most about the Flemish Thesis Bank is its diversity of themes and subjects. Physics and archeology to drama therapy: we are still amazed by the talent of our contestants.