Flemish PhD Cup

  • PhD
  • Postdoc

Every year, some 2,000 doctorates are completed in Flanders. These studies find their way into scientific publications, but only a fraction makes it to the general public's attention. With the PhD Cup, SciMingo wants to change this! Since 2016 this competition encourages newly promoted doctors to share their research with a wider audience.

In these corona times, the importance of science and science communication is clearer than ever. Every day, scientists share their knowledge and expertise to guide us through this difficult period. But it is quite a task to explain complex research in a concise and understandable way. This is what we want to train young scientists in via the Flemish PhD Cup. The competition is aimed at Dutch-speaking scientists who have obtained their Ph.D. in the last two years. They can apply by sending in their CV, motivation, and a popularising article about their research.

Media training

Sixteen researchers are selected from all candidates. They embark on a four-day media training programme comprising of presentation, writing, camera, and interview training, including a two-day session at VRT led by experts such as Koen Wauters (VRT NWS). This prepares them for the ultimate challenge: summarise the core of your years of research in a clear 3-minute pitch.


The finals

The competition culminates in a final in which the eight best candidates cross swords live in front of an audience, a jury, and cameras. The stake: a voucher worth 5,000 euros for a course at the Vlerick Business School. In addition, the winner will be able to give a video lecture at the 'Universiteit van Vlaanderen' and is offered the possibility of publishing a book on his or her research via Academia Press.

Bert Van den Bogerd - winner of the Flemish PhD Cup 2020


How to participate

The competition is open for Dutch-speaking researchers, who obtained their Ph.D. in the past two years.

If you want to take part in the Flemish PhD Cup, you can apply from 26 April onwards at www.phdcup.be by sending in a short bio and motivation, a popularising article about your research, and your CV.

Do you want to be kept informed about the call? Subscribe to the (Dutch) PhD Cup newsletter